Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Whites Say Coverage of Jackson's Death Seen As Excessive

Blacks Track News of Icon’s Death Much More Closely than Whites

This article apparenlty breaks down the numbers on what race is following the story more closely and who thinks there is too much coverage. I thought it didn’t matter “if you’re black or white hee hee!”? There is way too much MJ coverage, and yes I am white. I don’t give a fuck if you are purple, yellow, brown, or green. There is too much MJ coverage. I can’t even get the local fuckin’ news until 20 minutes into it because of this damn guy. Lets face the facts, I have never seen the media give more coverage to a drug addict who OD’d in my entire life. Bury the muthafucker already, please. And why was Al Sharpton at the ceremony? He just likes to stick his neck in everything doesn’t he? Now you can disagree with me on this all you want, but lets break it down for you to show those who do disagree with me just how ignorant you are and why you are everything wrong with America. American’s were polled this past week which stories they followed most closely, the results:

Michael Jackson Death: 31%

Health Care Reform: 19%

Iran: 18%

Ok, get my point. Whether you are black or white, you are pathetic. You spend more time caring about a story on the death of a petafile who slept in the same bed as little boys than you did on IRAN? And health care reform in your own country?!?!?! Are U FUCKIN’ KIDDING ME?!?!? This country should be ashamed. No wonder why we are the laughing stock of the world.


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