Monday, September 21, 2009

A disgusting display of power abuse and lack of reality. Cannabis users in the danger zone. Watch out if you're a parent!

For you English speaking ignoramouses who was too lazy to learn a second language, I wil make this articvle into human language.

It sates as follows from the headline:

“May loose their children if cought buying hashish”…

“Fines, sitatation loss of licenses, and loss of their children is but some of the means to fight this “scurge”.

-It seems that these brainless gorillas haven’t gotten reality slammed in their faces the same way as Barry Cooper has in the US, and would think that violent raids would be a good idea of suppressing and traumatising both parent and their kids with this drivel.

“Norwgian police wishes to clamp down hard on cannabis users in the “fair” city of Oslo.

Good luck in discriminating 50- 100 000 cannabis users in Oslo and around alone! Draconian fines have already been used. And now, they want to steal your kids away from enjoying the extracts from a bloody plant!

What’s next?

Labour camps?  Getting their citizenship and priveliges taken away from them? It seems to me that to call the police a power mongering lot of fascist is quite correct in this matter. Because they are! In fact, how would they react if at least 5% of the poloiceforce alone in Oslo, there are uniformed pricks who smoke the evidence themselves. If not even more! I do suspect that Norwegian policve is as rotten as any other police in any other babana republic. And should be treated as such: Like brain damage cases who should taste the medicine of their own!

Why? Because they have never benn on the recieving end of their power abuse!

“Oslo Police is trying hard to get rid of intoxication in the city!”

-Hell! Why not start with the bars and discos if you really want to be consistent?  There are more violent crimes related to alcohol than with Cannabis. Yet the same police seem to refuse to get the facts. Even if the Facts and Truth were slammed in their faces!

If they wnat the truth? Well! As an investigative writer I can name several names in the polie force, family fathers who smokes a joint in the closet! You want to hear about them? Well! Not from me! Because in comparrison to the bastards, I have an ounce of integrity in my body. They do not!

The politicians aren’t much better. They are using different tactics to defend their prohobition which history is nothing more than blatant racism and power abuse by the former prohobition commisioner Harry Anslinger. Politicians may think that 300 000 regular Cannabis users are 2nd ratecitizens with no right. Like any other illegal alien.

But neither police or politicians seem to grasp the simplest of truths: They are not treating cannabis use as a public healthb issue, but a criminal issue. I suspect it must be the legacy the Nazis left us here up north during the five years they fucked up our belief system.

And now, like in any other dictatorship, there’s a new enemy to suppress…. again… The Hashish smoker.

I wonder if any of these juvenile delinquents with a lwa book and some power have an ounce of empirical bone in their miserable flabby bodies!

And when  confronted by some simple facts, tbhey either escape, ignore or come up with some lame ecuse to keep up with their draconian laws! They say they want to “help” the junkies. Except for the pot smoker. That’s in their eyes nothing more. Does it ever occur to them that their prohobition is a lot more damaging for ones health than the smoke itself? Or have their arrogance led them so far that they cannot take wrong?

They prove to be unfit for any office time and time again with their apologetism and escapeism.

While being confronted with Harry Anslinger, they are using different ecuses to suppres people and force them behind bars for a victimless crime.

That they have the nerve to call getting pot a crime is itself a disgusting display of abuseof language. To try to fit reality into their own nrrow world of Saturday night shows and meetings with the health bord of directors for some pharmaceutical company that spews out drugs each years that not only lobotomizes your brain, but have conserable risk in killing the patient. I’m talking relativelly here.

In the US alone, more than 1700 people dies from some form of anti inflammatory drugs, brought to you by yoyr friendly pharmacist. And these are in comparrison to Cannabis “experimental”. Considering that we have 5000 years recorded history of Cannabis use, and none have died from it yet. And when a crime is committed with Cannabis in the blood, it’s the fault of the demon seed. When getting puch drunk and getting into a fight, there is nothing but excuses.

I wonder which fantasyland they are living in here, since they obviously have this deliric urge to impose their paranoid schizophrenic values on the rest of us.

The drug dealer in the street is not dangerous. Put him beside a suit dressed power whore, and guess who’s the biggest threat to our freedom, anf most likelly to have blood on his hands…

A hommage to Barry Cooper who’s done just like me: Switched sides…


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